The League of Women Voters of Northeastern North Carolina is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization made up of women and men in Pasquotank, Perquimans, Camden, and Currituck counties. The League encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues and influences public policy through education and advocacy. We do not support or oppose candidates or political parties at any level of government.
We constantly strive to meet our mission of Empowering Voters and Defending Democracy.
You can find us out in the community registering voters, volunteering as poll monitors, organizing civics classes for the residents of northeastern North Carolina, keeping voters informed about candidates for office, celebrating the power of women, and standing up for voting rights and the ability of all citizens to participate. Won’t you join us?
As part of our commitment to empowering voters and defending democracy, the League of Women Voters of Northeastern North Carolina has made significant strides in various initiatives. Here’s a look at some of our key accomplishments from July 2024 to December 2024.
Voter Services
- Board of Elections – Attend monthly meetings in both Pasquotank and Perquimans Counties to observe voter education/registration/outreach consistent with NC state law, including absentee ballot counting and election canvassing.
- National Voter Registration/Vote411 Promotion – September 17 and 20, 2024 – Promoted National Voter Registration Day at Elizabeth City State University, College of the Albemarle, 3 high schools in Pasquotank County, 2 high schools in Currituck County, and 1 high school in Perquimans County. VOTE411 promotional materials provided (bookmarks; wristbands). Registered 130 individuals and assisted voters with using VOTE411 to determine registration status, etc.
- Voter Registration/Voter Engagement Events – Continued to engage the public on the importance of voting and new North Carolina voting requirements, providing promotional materials to attendees and registering voters:
- October 2, 3, 10 and 11 – Outreach at Food Pantries in Elizabeth City and Hertford – registered 8 and provided voter outreach material.
- October 9 – Outreach at Muddy’s Coffee Shop, Elizabeth City – registered 8 voters and provided voter outreach material.
- October 4 and 15 – Outreach at Pasquotank and Perquimans libraries.
- Door-Hangers – canvassed both Elizabeth City (1000 door hangars) and Hertford (500 door hangers), each with specific early voting information for each county.
- Post-Card Writing Campaign – postcards were written to over 1800 voters in Pasquotank and Perquimans counties who did not vote in the last 2 elections, stressing the importance of voting.
- Poll-Monitoring – worked with DemocracyNC to monitor polls in Camden, Pasquotank, and Perquimans Counties on 10/17; 11/3 and 11/5. Received a $2000 grant.
Education Events
- North Carolina State Board of Elections Seminar, September 10, 2024 – Update provided on voter registration and photo ID requirements by NCSBOE member.
- North Carolina Trusted Election Tour, September 18, 2024 – Partnered with Carter Center for Justice organization to bring election information to Pasquotank County and the surrounding area, with an event conducted at the ECSU campus.
- #UniteNC “Ready to Vote” Training with Common Cause – September 30, 2024 – – training conducted in Hertford, with a focus on educating attendees to be able to train others.
- Pasquotank County High School Civics Class – October 24, 2024 – Presented voting registration/voting process to 70 High School students. Shared sample ballots and discussed who/what/where/when/why/how of voting.
- Suffragette Mural Open to Public – The Museum of the Albemarle continues to promote the mural and LWVNENC promotes via the sale of tee shirts and advocacy outreach.
- Social Media Outreach – continue to improve the website and Facebook. Secured website project manager for 12-month contract.
Member Events/Outreach
- Board Retreat – July 20, 2024 – Attended by Board members to determine priorities for the upcoming year.
- Friendsgiving/Holiday Get-Together – December 10, 2024. Dinner was provided by LWVNENC Board members, with a special presentation by Jennifer Rubin, President, LWVNC.
- Monthly Board Meetings – Members are invited to monthly Board meetings with presentations provided by outside groups for the first 30 minutes of each meeting. Topics/Presenters included Suzanne Fisher, National Popular Vote and J.P. Grillet, DemocracyNC.
- Making Democracy Work/VOTE411 Promotion Outreach Grants Awarded – LWVNENC recognized by LWVNC for engaging membership and the public on Making Democracy Work via our programs/outreach efforts.
- Board of Elections Monitoring Grants Awarded – LWVNENC recognized by LWVNC for attending Board of Elections meetings in both Pasquotank and Perquimans Counties.
- Acoustic Sunset Wine Down Thursdays August 22, 2024 – Event held at Sanctuary Vineyards in Jarvisburg, NC with 10% of profits donated to LWVNENC ($202.00). Set up a table and handed out voter education items, etc. and answered questions.
- Media Outreach – Continue relationship with Daily Advance to publish event calendar updates as well as articles/editorials. Published 3 public forum articles prior to the election: Vote Full Ballot; Bring Your ID to the Polls; Empowering Voters
- LWVNC Monthly President Call – Provide feedback each month on LWVNENC activities and keep up-to-date on what other Leagues are doing.
- LWVNC Voter Outreach Monthly Call – Participate and provide feedback on voter outreach strategies.
- LWVNENC Membership/Renewals for 2024 – Total membership at 63 with renewals and new members.